Beginner Fish Keeping

colorful fancy goldfish guide freshwater aquarium fish

Expert Tips for Caring for Your Fancy Goldfish

Caring for your fancy goldfish can be a rewarding experience, but it requires a commitment to providing a healthy environment for your fish. Fancy goldfish can also live for up … Continue reading Expert Tips for Caring for Your Fancy Goldfish

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing discus fish

The Benefits of Silkworm in Fish Feed

Silkworm are the caterpillar of several moth species that are used to produce silk. When they begin their pupa phase, a silkworm encases itself in raw silk. The entire pupa … Continue reading The Benefits of Silkworm in Fish Feed

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing parrot fish and catfish

Controlling Your Tank’s Algae Growth: Tips and Tricks from our Experts

Algae growth is inevitable. As one of the biggest challenges for aquarists,  the trick is to keep it in check to ensure the health and safety of your fish tank. … Continue reading Controlling Your Tank’s Algae Growth: Tips and Tricks from our Experts

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing male guppy

Grow Guppy Grow! Your guide to keeping these fun fish alive

When it comes to observing and participating in the guppy lifestyle, here’s a few things to know when maintaining your new fishy friend!

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing carp in tank

Bottom Feeders: The Last Line of Eaters

Often, the most effort and energy to feed is expended by the last line of eaters, the bottom feeders. Making sure they have enough nutrition to live a long and health-filled life is a key to long term aquatic success.

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing marine tank

The Basics of Fish Care

Aquarium enthusiasts around the world agree that fish keeping is more than a hobby, it’s a connection to nature that quickly becomes a passion. With the ability to regularly interact … Continue reading The Basics of Fish Care

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing fancy goldfish

Tips for Fancy Goldfish

Goldfish get a bad rap. From the feeder fish in your local store to a prize at the local carnival, their reputation skimps on the fact that these beautiful fish … Continue reading Tips for Fancy Goldfish

young girl petting a small turtle

Pets in the Classroom: Teaching the future about aquatic pet-keeping

Learn more about the program Pets in the Classroom and how pets can enrich the classroom experience for students.

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing colorful koi fish

How Diet Can Enhance Koi Coloration

Learn how diet can enhance Koi coloration from Hikari Sales USA.

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing turtle

Keeping a Pet Turtle: The Basics You Need to Know

One of the aquarium pets gaining in popularity lately is the always entertaining and ever-charming aquatic turtle. Here’s what you need to know.

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing heart of fish

Flavor Matters

Fish want to enjoy what they eat just like us! They actually have many of the same senses that we have. Hikari USA explains this phenomenon.

Hikari Sales USA fish and reptile foods showing planted tank

Here are the Most Common Reasons Why Your Aquarium Smells Bad

Just like your house, keeping a clean environment is part of maintaining a thriving environment. If your fish tank smells bad, this is a sure sign that something has gone awry and is in need of your immediate attention.

African cichlids of various colors in a fish tank

Feeding Your Aquatic Pets – The Basics From our Experts at Hikari®

Your aquatic pets spend their entire life in an environment you created for them. What you feed them will directly impact this environment and therefore their health. Use these guidelines … Continue reading Feeding Your Aquatic Pets – The Basics From our Experts at Hikari®