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Grow Guppy Grow! Your guide to keeping these fun fish alive

Guppies, scientifically known as the Poecilia reticulata, are one of the most fun little fish for aquarium enthusiasts. Best kept in schools of three or more, their bright colorful nature and playful personalities are great for those with young children in the house. Guppies are likely to give birth  offspring fairly quickly, and are hardy creatures that require minimal assistance to thrive. When it comes to observing and participating in the guppy lifestyle, here’s a few things to know:

A Balanced Guppy Diet

Guppy fish are omnivores meaning they require both animal and vegetable food sources to survive. To enable guppies to grow optimally, they should eat three to five times a day when they are young. Owners often overfeed them, so it is recommended to give them smaller amounts to avoid messing with the water quality. An assortment of flakes, pellets, freeze-dried and frozen foods ensures that their nutritional needs are properly met. 

As they age, the number of feedings can be reduced to once or twice. Good examples of foods they enjoy include microworms, baby brine shrimp, very small bloodworms, micro pellets and tubifex worms. You can also feed your fish Hikari® Fancy Guppy® to provide a full nutrient offering including special amino acids they require to live a long and health-filled life.

Water Quality and Maintenance

As with all tanks, water quality is of utmost importance in contributing to the health of your fish population. Guppy fry develop better in clean water, and enjoy hiding in live plants and other decor. To maintain healthy water, you need to change out about a third of the water in your tank weekly if it’s a smaller tank. If it’s a larger tank, then every other week. A slow and moderate water circulation, a sponge filter and an  aquatic heater is recommended. Keeping your guppy tank clear and spacious removes nitrates and enables guppies to realize their full potential. Guppies thrive in large spacious tanks, but keep in mind that a 5-gallon tank is the minimum. 

An ideal tank temperature is around 76º to 82º degrees when your guppies are young and growing. Once they get older, you should reduce the water temperature a few degrees to slow down you guppies metabolism and keep them more comfortable as they age. When their head is raised to 82º or higher, they are more like to grow faster and and have more babies.

Guppy’s Small Size

The average size of a guppy baby is about ¼”. If you don’t want other fish in your tank to try and eat your guppies, you’ll need to keep them in a separate are or breeding tank until they are at least an inch long. Some common tank mates for guppies include neon tetras, mollies and corydoras catfish. 

In six months, with good nutrition, they’ll reach their full size of 2 inches. As a general rule, healthy guppies live between two to three years, sometimes longer if properly maintained. 

Raising your Guppy in a Thriving Environment

Despite some of the potential challenges, caring for guppies can be rewarding, especially with their bright colors and personalities. As one of the more popular freshwater fish for veterans and beginner aquarists alike, guppies can thrive in a clean, well–maintained environment with proper feeding practices. Here at ®Hikari, our unique line of community diets and water care products can help you bring out that brilliant color and form your fish desire!