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Freshwater Bottom Feeders: The Last Line of Eaters

In an aquarium, fish species are typically categorized according to the location that they eat: top, mid-water, and bottom feeders. Top feeders eat their food at the surface of the aquarium as it enters the tank or just starts to sink, whereas mid-water feeders eat their food as it makes its way through the water column.

Lastly, but certainly not least, are bottom feeders who typically are know as “the cleanup crew” for most aquatic environments. Hikari® Sinking Wafers® were specifically developed for corydoras catfish, loaches and other bottom feeders after extensive research into their nutritional requirements and eating habits. These one of a kind soft discs offer just the right amount of nutrition for a common community tank. 

When setting up your aquarium environment, it is important to create a harmonious balance keeping in mind the specific space each one of these types of fish prefer to feed from. Often, the most effort and energy to feed is expended by the last line of eaters, the bottom feeders. Making sure they have enough nutrition to live a long and health-filled life is a key to long term aquatic success. Here are 5  of our favorites in this category:

Common Plecos (Hypostomus plecostomus)

Commonly known as the sucker mouth catfish, Plecostomus are nocturnal fish that can grow to approximately 18 inches or larger in specific environments. These omnivores are native to southern american climates and commonly feed on algae and blanched vegetables like zucchini. With a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, Plecos are generally peaceful and recommended for larger tanks. 

Loaches (Cobitis species)

Another popular bottom dwelling fish, loaches come in many different forms and sizes. The dwarf chain loach, the kuhli loach and hill stream loach make for good aquarium candidates as they are peaceful tank mates offering lots of movement. Some loaches can stay very small throughout their lifetime where as others, such as the clown Loach, can grow up to be a foot or more when cared for properly. Like most aquarists know, each breed has their own personality and water parameters. Be sure to properly research before adding them to your tank.  

Crayfish (Decapoda species)

To diversify your tank population, crayfish (or crawfish) can be a fun addition. With over 500 different types, lots of great colors and load of activity they’re perfect for most aquatic setups. Crayfish live on average of two years in captivity, but with good water quality, lack of stress by attacking tank mates and good nutrition, they can live longer. These omnivorous scavengers each most foods and are a great way to clean up detritus or decaying plants. 

Dwarf Sucker Catfish  (Macrotocinclus affinis)

The Otocinclus catfish, commonly known as Drawf Sucker Catfish, is a peaceful smaller species that commonly feed on algae. As herbivores, Otos are a perfect choice for those struggling with brown algae or excess biofilm that may feel overwhelming. As these creatures tend to constantly graze, it is wise to keep a couple of them to avoid running our of algae. Hikari® Algae Wafers™ are a great daily diet for otos as they tend to break down over time.  

Freshwater Snails

These creatures come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are hardy scavengers that help maintain a clean tank. To some, they are lovely, interesting pets whereas to others, they can be insufferable as they can quickly overpopulate an aquarium. The most common ways snails enter your tank, aside from being purchased, is by hitchhiking on plants and decor and easily hide. Mystery snails, Nerite Snails and Malaysian Trumpet Snails are the some of the more popular additions, as they tend to eat leftover fish food and dead plant matter that commonly found along the bottom of the tank.Freshwater snails are easy to keep and compatible with most aquarium fish, making them a great addition to keep things in balance.

Adding Bottom Feeders to your Tank

In conclusion, bottom feeders are a great addition to any tropical environment to keep a healthy tank. Although they will not consume waste and remove cleaning requirements entirely, they do help removing leftover food and algae commonly found in most aquariums, making it easier to clean. As always, be sure to research which fish you currently have to see if they are compatible before adding new pets.

If you have any questions about a fish on our list or whether or not your fish will like a specific product, contact our customer service team at fish@hikariusa.com or use the contact page on our website. As leaders in the aquarium hobby with over decades of experience, we are more than happy to help you find your perfect match!